Elevating the Industry

North Dakota Association of Builders
Written by Jessica Ferlaino

Since 1976, the North Dakota Association of Builders (NDAB) has represented its members by offering a unified voice for advocacy, communication, networking, and education, all in the best interests of a healthy and profitable construction sector.

Now comprising 1,400 members in North Dakota and more than 140,000 members nationwide who drive value for their local, state, and national economies, NDAB and its members are doing their part to ensure the growing demands for construction are met, which is no easy feat given the challenges before them.

While financing and interest rates have cooled the market demand in North Dakota to some degree, the state is also experiencing strong growth in the natural resource, transportation, and agricultural sectors, which is exacerbating the labor crunch. The lack of talent, paired with other legislative and regulatory changes, means that the need for an organization like NDAB is greater than ever.

Adding value for members
The North Dakota Association of Builders (NDAB) was born out of the desire to enhance the public image of the home building industry in the state, but the scope of its role has evolved over time. Today, it serves as a place for local builders associations to come together and acts as a conduit between its members, the industry, and the various levels of government, serving as an advocative force where decisions are made that directly impact the industry.

“Most of the state associations across the country for builders were founded to enhance the image of the home building industry across the state and to work together to address building codes and other laws impacting the industry,” explains NDAB Chief Executive Officer Brittney Roehrich.

The organization brings six local associations under a single governing body, including the Western Area Builders Association, Minot Association of Builders, Forx Builders Association, Dickinson Area Home Builders Association, Building Industry Association of the Red River Valley, and the Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association.

The year after its founding, NDAB was officially chartered by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), support that Roehrich credits as being second to none. “There is always help available for any questions or concerns from our membership or staff. It truly makes a difference to have the support and help with answering hard questions our membership may be looking for.”

And becoming a member is easy. When a company becomes a member of their local builders association, they automatically become a member of NDAB, and by virtue of that membership, NAHB as well. There are three membership levels: builder membership, associate membership, and affiliate membership, and each plays an important role in the sector.

“Builders are the heart and soul of the home builders association,” says Roehrich. “Builder members are directly involved in building homes—they include small-volume builders, production builders, light commercial builders, and remodelers.”

Associate members make up the majority of members and represent suppliers to the industry, service providers, and manufacturers that support the growth and success of the industry while gaining valuable access to a strong network to build relationships and showcase their products and services while enjoying a feedback loop whereby they can align their offerings with the needs of the market.

Affiliate members are employees of Builder and Associate members who earn the same rewards of membership but at a lower cost. Each group is representative of an important industry cohort, and through the NDAB, members can work together to address legislative matters such as building codes and other laws that impact the strength of the industry.

Members can also attain professional recognition, not only through the relationship with NAHB, but through the opportunity for certification. Members can become a North Dakota Professional Builder (NDPB) or Associate (NDPA) through NDAB, certifications which stand out in a competitive market. Members also have access to discounts from major retailers, rebate programs, and most importantly, a voice and a presence at various levels of government.

A strong and growing network
In the construction industry, competition is fierce, especially when it comes to securing talent. While being a member of NDAB can’t manifest workers in an instant to solve the labor crunch, what it can do is present a positive public image and leverage its professional network to build opportunities for its members. For instance, NDAB maintains relationships with local, regional, and state schools and training centers, encouraging the next generation of workers to join the industry and ensuring that the needs of the sector are being met.

NDAB’s relationship with the North Dakota Association of Realtors is another important connection that can enhance the strength of its members, particularly as appraisal values can sometimes be lower than the actual cost to build the home in the first place, which contributes to underinvestment in the market. This is particularly important as a significant challenge facing the industry has been underinvestment in single-family homes, which has further contributed to the shortfall in supply and to higher housing prices.

Smart policies lead to stronger outcomes, and the NDAB is at the forefront of these efforts to create a pro-building economic environment in the state. From appraisals to improved access to financing, the organization will continue to forge ahead, leveraging its partnerships and reinforcing its network.

Further, through its relationships with organizations like North Dakota Housing Finance Agency, Community Services, Building Officials Association, Secretary of State’s Office, Workforce Safety and Insurance, Job Service of North Dakota, Housing & Urban Development (HUD), Fannie Mae, and Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), NDAB creates positive relationships and opens lines of communication to produce collaborative solutions.

It also creates opportunities for this collaboration to take place. Some of the organization’s upcoming events are the Area 10 Leadership Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, April 16 – 17; the Summer Social and Board Meeting in Minot, July 29 – 30; and the Annual Banquet and Fall Board Meeting, the year’s gala event in Grand Forks, November 4 – 5, where industry leaders will be recognized and the awards of the year can be celebrated.

“These serve as great opportunities to celebrate the successes of the industry and come together to ensure that information is being disseminated and the voices of the industry are being heard,” says NDAB President and Owner of McCody Concrete Products Inc., Bob Horab.

A unified voice in advocacy
One of the greatest values derived from membership is representation and advocacy at the legislative level. NDAB has member representatives on local, state, and national committees acting as a strong voice and advocate for Builder and Associate members to protect the industry and advance its interests.

Understanding that there are hundreds of bills introduced at each biennial session of the North Dakota Legislative Session that could have major implications for the industry and its members, NDAB ensures that it keeps legislators informed about the needs of its members and vice versa, keeping its members apprised of the changes coming down the pipeline. The organization also supports candidates that will have the sector’s best interests at heart.

“We work to reduce regulations and ensure workable building codes for our members. We also have a member that’s on the State Building Code Council and he updates us at our board meetings. We also have partnerships with related organizations,” notes Roehrich. NDAB-PAC is the organization’s political action committee that provides non-partisan support for local, state, and federal candidates who support the building industry. BUILD-PAC is the national arm of the organization that works to elect pro-housing and pro-business candidates to Congress.

Indeed, the organization pays close attention to code and regulatory issues at every level to remain at the leading edge of the industry, keeping its members up to date and educated—because knowledge, in this case, is certainly power.

“Being able to stay on top of this, where you’ve got multiple jurisdictions coming up with new ordinances and codes and regulations, I think is beneficial with 1,400 members within the state. There are a lot of eyes on what’s going on, such that we can address or support or work to eliminate some of the regulations that become harmful for the building industry,” Horab explains.

Empowering the industry
Through its work, NDAB is empowering its members and the broader industry to succeed. Members can gain valuable leadership opportunities through involvement with the organization, and the more hands doing the work, the greater the ability to have a positive impact.

As it continues to grow both its membership and its presence, the NDAB will continue to identify ways that its members can be better supported. From stronger advocacy to seats at more tables, it will continue to be a conduit of knowledge, a source of education, a place for networking, and a tireless advocate for its members where it is needed the most to ensure the viability and profitability of the sector for years to come.


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